Writing & Blogging

The Conversation

The Conversation

The Conversation is a collaboration between editors and academics to provide informed news analysis and commentary that’s free to read and republish. As a scientist, you can become an author, pitch an idea, or stay in the loop by signing up to get the daily newsletter.

Source – http://theconversation.com/us



RealScientists is a rotational twitter account featuring real scientists, science writers, communicators and policy makers talking about their lives and their work. Tweeters from different fields of science and science-related fields. Get a feel for what scientists are actually doing locked away in those labs, and checkout all the things you can do with a science degree. For more information on how to apply for curation, and why you should sign up and tweet for them for a week, see here.

Source – https://realscientists.wordpress.com/about/



The Bite Sites: Evolutionary in bite-sized pieces.
The goal of these sites is to help undergrads (or anyone interested) to navigate current research literature. Each researcher/ author writes one short summary of a recent paper per month, and one new summary per day is added to the website.

Source – http://evobites.com/



The Bite Sites: Astronomy in bite sized pieces.
The goal of these sites is to help undergrads (or anyone interested) to navigate current research literature. Each researcher/author writes one short summary of a recent paper per month, and one new summary per day is added to the website.